
Friday, May 11, 2018

Should You Invest in Solar Power?

Solar power is quickly gaining popularity all over the globe. It is growing at a rate of 2% per year, and if the figures continue to grow, solar energy will be the preferred source of energy worldwide. Most modern nations are encouraging people to rely on this renewable resource so that they can save more and help conserve the environment. The trend can continue to provide benefits for decades to come if well-maintained. Here are some more tips and tricks.

About Location  

First, you have to consider your current location. Are there a lot of clouds or does it rain or snow frequently? How much sunlight do you get per day? Some locations are very ideal for installing solar cell panels, while other people may do better with an electrical or battery source. Places that get around 4 to 6 hours of sunlight per day at least can do well with a solar energy system. Preferably, tropical and desert areas should start investing in a solar energy system to get the most benefits. Determine the angle of the sun to know which spots are most ideal for installation.
About Resource  

Are there any available hardware stores that offer the needed parts for your solar energy system setup? Will ordering online be easy and convenient? Are there agencies or professionals who can offer reliable and quality services to install and maintain the solar cell panels. Are the materials affordable and of good quality? These are some questions you need to consider to get the best deals. Ordering online will depend on your location and the mode of transportation. If you think that setting up and maintaining the system will be difficult, it might be better to wait until the technology is more rampant in your area.

About Budget

Solar cell systems are generally costly in the beginning. Later on, you will realize that the costs will start to go down, since the energy stemming from the sun is free and available all the time. You should consider your budget by determining the area that needs to be covered with solar panels. Budget is vital so that you do not go overboard and overspend on things that you do not truly need. You should also consider the gadgets and devices that will be powered via solar means.


A well-maintained solar energy system will last for 30 years if you keep it properly. Other setups may only last for a number of months or weeks at most if external conditions are very harsh or can damage the material easily. You can choose to create your own solar cells or just purchase from a source. The longevity of the setup will depend on the quality of the material, the use and applications. Price does not immediately equate to quality or longevity. You should know more about the available brands and check if there are any differences with regards to feature that will ultimately enhance the lifespan. Ask for recommendations from friends and others who have tried the setup.

How to Build Your Own Solar Cell

Solar panels are already considered very cost effective because these provide renewable source of energy. You can actually save more by making your own solar panels, instead of having to buy from a store or hiring a pro to do the installation. You can get a lot of financial benefits by maintaining the material properly. Expect solar panels to last for up to 3 decades if well-maintained. Here are some tips on how to begin your project.

Starting Out
Begin with the sandpaper and use it to scour the different regions of the copper of one of the available sheets. There should be no corrosion whatsoever on the copper for the process. Wash the copper sheeting using water, soap and either a sponge or a towel. You should allow oil from your hands to get on the copper. Tower the copper until dry. Make sure that you do not touch it directly. Use tongs to position the copper on the hot plate. Switch the hotplate on as warm and hot as possible.

Cook the copper using red hot heats for about 30 minutes. Use a thick black layer of oxides and allow to form at the surface of the copper. Be sure that you do not leave the copper unattended while you are cooking. The oxide layer and the copper below it will cool at various speeds, leading the two to separate. The process can be violent and can lead to accidents if not properly done. Be sure that you do not get too close or leave flammable items near. It will take around 20 minutes to cool everything to room temperature.

More on the Process

Wash the copper in plain water carefully. This will ensure that you get majority of the black pieces off. The red layer of cuprous oxide should remain on the metal. This will form right under the layer of cupric oxide. Get the cooked copper sheet plus the uncooked sheet then fit these into the plastic bottle. Bend each sheet outward so that no part of the two sheets will stay in contact with each other.

It is important that you clip one of the available alligator leads to the top of each sheet to connect these to the meter. The positive terminal of the meter must link to the uncooked sheet. The negative terminal must link to the cooked sheet. Dissolve two tablespoons of salt into a few cups of water. Pour right into the plastic bottle, allowing the water level to rise about 1 inch from the top of the sheet. Put the bottle out in the sun and observe the meter. The meter should rise consistently to about 50 micro-amps. Place the bottle in the shade and allow the meter to go down below ten. Finally, you have created your own solar cell.

More on Building

You can expect to finish the entire process in just 3 to 4 hours. It is important that you check out the different available resources first at your local hardware store and online so that you can get the most out of your budget. You should also consult a pro and other people who have tried building their own solar cell panels so that you can maximize the effect and get the energy you need to power your various devices.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Solar Panels – Pvs At Work

What is PV solar power? You have heard the term, but you are unsure as to its meaning. You are vaguely aware that solar power has something to do with making energy from sunlight. But what is PV solar power? Is it different from other kinds of solar power?

PV solar power is different from other types. Of the two main categories of solar power, active and passive, PV solar power is active. Let's look at it.

Solar Panel

Active solar power relies on solar panels. You may picture them as flat, rectangular boxes on rooftops.

There are two main types of solar panel. From a distance, both look like rectangular boxes. Both convert sunlight into energy, but in two different ways. The terms for the two solar panel types are solar thermal collector and photovoltaic module.

1. Solar thermal collector: This solar panel takes in solar energy from the sun and uses it to heat air or water.

2. Photovoltaic module: This second type of solar panel collects solar energy and converts it to usable electricity.
Meet the PV

To answer the question, what is PV solar power, we must know what the PV is. The short answer is that PV refers to a photovoltaic module. "P" is for photo and "V" for voltaic.

The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary defines "photovoltaic" this way.

"of, relating to, or utilizing the generation of a voltage when radiant energy falls on the boundary between dissimilar substances."

In simpler terms, "photo" refers to sunlight and "voltaic" refers to electrical energy. PV panels convert sunlight into electrical energy. Sunlight flows into the solar panel. Electrical energy flows out of the solar panel.

A PV solar panel is made up of many photovoltaic (light to volts) cells. These cells are electrically connected, and then covered with glass. The glass provides electrical insulation. It is also good protection from weather and other damaging forces.

When minimal energy is needed, such as that necessary to power a small appliance, a single PV solar panel is sufficient. When more power is needed, an "array" of solar panels is created by connecting panels to one another. If the power will not be supplied to the power grid, the solar panel(s) is connected to a charge controller, and battery. If it is intended for on-grid use, the solar panel array will be connected to an electrical inverter.

What Is PV Solar Power?

PV solar power is solar energy in the form of sunlight, which has been collected by a photovoltaic module, and converted into usable electricity.

Conventional silicon solar panels convert about 14 to 17 percent of sunlight into usable electricity. That isn't much. Late in 2006, however, a new solar cell was introduced. Solar panels that utilize the new cell can convert into electricity 22 percent of the sunlight they collect. Theoretically, the maximum that the cells of a solar panel can convert is said to be around 26 to 27 percent of incoming sunlight.

How does it work? Let's look at a very simple explanation.

Each photovoltaic cell in a PV solar panel is a semiconductor. When sunlight hits those cells, a certain part of the sunlight is absorbed by those silicon cells. The cells take in that part of the sunlight's energy. The cells then transfer the absorbed sunlight's energy to the electrons in the silicon. The electrons begin to flow, and this creates an electrical current. Metal contacts built into the top and bottom of the PV cells draw off that current and it is sent to the grid or battery. It is now usable electricity. The power grid sends it on its way, if you have used an on-grid connection. If you are using a battery, it is stored in the battery awaiting your need.

PV solar power is being used increasingly with great success, and while it is true that cloud cover can affect it, the cloudy country of Germany leads the world in successful use of solar panels.

The Cost of Solar Energy System

Solar energy is free but the tools that will enable you to harness this free energy are not.

If you are planning to install a solar energy system right at your home and would like to know how much it would cost, there are 3 things you need to consider:

First, the cost depends on how much energy your household requires. More energy you require means more solar panels and higher cost of installation. The good thing is, the technology to harness the power of the sun is relatively cheaper than it was several years ago.

Second, the government is offering a rebate to those who will switch to alternative form of energy. That means, the government will shoulder a portion of the total cost of the system.    
Third, you can get tax credits when you switch to solar energy system. The amount of tax rebate depends from state to state but the range can go from $1000 to $2000.

All these affect the overall cost of your installation.
A photovoltaic system can cost roughly at $8000 to $10000 per 1kW system. This equates to $8 to $10 per Watt. An average American household with 3 bedrooms requires at least 1.5kW to as much as 3kW. Thus, installation can cost from $14000 to $30000, before rebates and tax credits.

Government rebate varies from state to state. As a reference, an average California household that requires 1.5kW system can get as much as $4200 rebate (1.5kW= 1500 watts x $2.80 per watt = $4200).

A household that requires 3kW system can get as much as $8400 (3kW= 3000 watts x $2.80 per watt = $8400).

Before, tax credit goes as much as 30% but it is lowered to 7.5% of system cost after rebate.

So an average household with 1.5kW system can get $735 ($14000 - $4200 x 7.5% = $735) worth of tax credit while the 3kW system can get $1620 ($30000 - $8400 x 7.5% = $1620) worth of tax credit.

Example A: 1.5kW system

Cost of solar electric system: $14000
Less rebate: $4200
Less tax credit: $735

Cost of the system after rebate and tax credit: $9065

Example B: 3kW system

Cost of solar electric system: $30000
Less rebate: $8400
Less tax credit: $1620

Cost of the system after rebate and tax credit: $19980

Again, these are rough estimates just to give you an idea of the cost of installing solar energy system. They do not represent real figures.

Top tips:

Energy independent home has higher resale value and is more preferred by home buyers. So, if you are planning to sell your home in several years, installing solar energy system does not only provide substantial saving on electric bill, it also is a good home improvement option.

If you want to finance the cost of your solar energy installation, include it in your mortgage.

If you want to reduce your electricity load, switch to energy efficient appliances. Buy electric appliances with ENERGY STAR seal.

Low energy requirement means lower installation cost.

Residents of areas with higher electricity rate can benefit most on solar energy system.

If you can't afford the photovoltaic system, you can install solar hot water system that costs roughly from $2000 to $4000.

Solar energy is best for houses that are located far from the existing power lines. 

Monday, May 7, 2018

Solar Energy Tips Everyone Needs To Know

Solar power can seem quite complex if you are not familiar with the technology and products used. You just need the right information so that you can grab the opportunity by the horns. Read this article to learn the many benefits that solar energy can provide homes and businesses alike.

You should figure out how you can store energy after you get it made by the solar energy system you're using. Batteries can store energy until you are ready to use it. Also, you can sell excess energy to your power company for even greater savings.

Efficient solar panels are able to be moved. If your panels are immobile, you'll need to choose a position that is somewhere in the middle of what is ideal for summer and what is ideal for winter.

You need to determine if solar is the right fit for you. There are many reasons you may choose to go this route to power your home. For example, anyone already off-grid will hugely benefit from solar energy. It is also a good choice if you are environmentally conscious.

Search for grants and rebates to assist with solar panel costs. It can be challenging to come up with the money need to install a solar energy unit. Just remember, help is available. Look into grants and rebates available from your state and federal government that reward those who use renewable energy. These forms of assistance can greatly reduce your costs. Some of the expenses may be deductible on your taxes.

If you are able to afford the cost and the necessary space, a panel system that tracks the sun is your best bet for power generation. These systems will follow the sun as it moves during the day. While they are costly at first, the increased efficiency will actually save you money in the end.

You want to position your solar panels so they can get maximal sunlight. If you have questions about placement, study the sun's path on your own to see exactly what area of your property gets the most consistent sun exposure.

If you care about the environment, you'll want to start using solar energy. Solar energy is one of the most "green" technologies there are because the sun is used and is a renewable resource. You can use a lot less fossil fuels if you get into solar energy as well.

Be sure to check the design date of each type of solar panel you consider purchasing. Often, more contemporary models have better and more efficient features. Older models are usually cheaper but do not work as well.

Change solar panel angles during the seasons, or four times per year. As you progress from season to season, the direction of the sun will alter. When you take care to adjust your panels accordingly, you can make the most of available sunlight.

Have financial background checks done on solar panel companies you plan to purchase from. You want to be sure they'll be around for as long as your house is. This is important in terms of the warranty. You will feel safer in knowing that, if you needed to, you can get replacement panels.

Solar panels don't just light up homes. These panels also help to heat up your home, even your water. That means solar energy can help, (or eliminate! in you power expenses.

When you pay a lot for power and yet you get tons of sunlight every day, solar energy is for you. The money you pay to have to begin and keep up with it pays off in the long run.

Start the purchasing process with an estimation of your electrical demands, the duration of sunlight on the best spots around your home, and then decide on the ideal shape and size of your panel. In some cases, a series of small panels might save more money than a single, larger panel.

When installing solar panels, consider the location and angle of your panels. You want to ensure that you get the most electrical output possible from them, so your latitude will play a big part in this equation.

A hose can help you wash the grime off your panels. By hosing down your solar panels once per week, you will likely never need to climb on the roof in order to clean them. Also, you will never be concerned about scratching your panels.   

If you want solar panels on the roof but don't know how to clean them, think about solar roof tiles as an alternative. They're green and need less of a clean.

Now you understand solar energy through and through. The more you learn, the more confident you'll be with sticking with your solar energy plan. You know that this is the right choice, and now you have the knowledge to help you get started.

Solar Panels 101

The solar panel is the most basic element of a solar power system. It primarily functions to gather sunlight during certain periods of the day to power different devices and structures. Depending on the size, solar panels can power anything from RVs to huge plants. It is also important that you understand how the panels work and where you can apply these so that you can get the most benefits. Here are some more details and info about the material.

What are Solar Panels?

Solar energy starts with the sun. Solar panels are also known as photovoltaics and are primarily used to convert light from the sun. These are made of energy particles called photons that are changed into electricity to power various electrical loads. Light from the sun is considered as a renewable energy resource that gives clean energy. Solar panels can be used for different applications like remote power systems for cabins, remote sensing, telecommunications equipment and to produce electricity for commercial and residential panel systems.

The History

The development of the solar energy began more than a century ago. During the early days, solar power was used mainly to produce steam for drive machinery. Henri Becquerel discovered the photovoltaic effect that allowed the conversion of solar electric energy. Becquerel's discovery triggered the invention of the first true solar cell by Charles Fritts in 1893, which was created by coating selenium sheets with a thin gold layer. The solar panel was then created afterwards.

Russel Ohl is an American inventor who used to work for Bell Laboratories. He patented the first silicon solar cell in the world in 1941. The first solar panel was produced by the same company in 1954 because of Ohl's creation. The new solar panels were used first in space satellites. During the 1970s, more people saw the use of solar panels through the newly designed calculators that can run easily under light.

At present solar panels and full solar panel systems are used to power different applications and structures. Aside from calculators, solar panels are now used to give power to homes, commercial buildings and other huge structures.

Letting the Solar Panels Work

Solar panels can gather clean renewable energy in sunlight form that will be converted into electricity. The average home has adequate roof area to let solar panels gather enough sun to be converted into DC current or AC current. Solar panel arrays can be sized to meet big requirements. The AC current can power loads in the house and other commercial buildings. It is important to consider the part of the house, as well as the right angle of the sun so that the solar panels can gather the most light over more hours of the day for optimum results.

You can choose to build your own solar panels or just order a pre-made one online. There are also a number of stores that offer solar panels, depending on the use you need. You can hire some experts to help you determine the right part of the house or structure where you need it installed. You should also talk to other solar panel owners to help you maximize the benefits.

Solar Power Lighting

Lighting is important to everyone. When the sun goes down we expect the lights to be just a click away. Sometime we may take advantage of our lighting and miss it when it is out. Lighting is used in many different ways. You can have different wattage bulbs of your lighting as well as different colors. Your lighting source may be a lamp, an overhead light, a porch light and a flash light, just to name a few. Light can be taken with us or left behind. The source that powers your light is what this article is about. Learn about indoor and outdoor lighting using solar power and ways you can get this type of lighting.
Indoor Lighting

Some really great ideas for indoor solar lighting include using it inside of your sheds, gazebos, garages, or inside your home. You don't need to continuously change light bulbs. The installation is easy and your maintenance is minimal. You need to install a solar panel that can receive the most possible sunlight in your area. That's it. Enjoy your lighting system all through the night. You will need to find a solar panel that is right for the size of building you will be providing light to. Once your indoor lighting has been installed you will be able to use the lighting both night and day. During the day you may not need it except on cloudy days. During the night you should have enough energy from the solar power to last you through the night. It is becoming the latest in lighting barns on farms as well because there is no wiring needed to get lighting out to the barn.

Outdoor Lighting

When you are outside during the day you won't need much light but at night you will appreciate the lighting that you have installed using solar power. There are different types of outdoor lighting using solar power; flood lights, pond or pool lights, garden lights, post lights, spot lights, security lights, solar flag lights and sign lights. If you have a pool or pond in your yard that you like to add lighting to it is easy to do and there are several choices to choose from as far as the design and shape. Everyone wants an eye catching yard that has been well taken care of and now your efforts can be reflected at night. If you display a flag out in your yard people only see it at night, until now. Add your flag to a stand that is solar powered so it can be seen at all times. If your yard is too dark invest in security lighting that will work even when the power is off and trees are down. When the sun is out you are sure to have light at night.

The soft glow from solar power lights calm and relax. They are not bright and in your eyes but they are eye catching. Investing in solar power lighting is a smart economical and practical choice that is also very affordable.

Solar Energy Systems for Pools

If you have a pool, you know how much heating it can crank up your utility bill. Solar energy systems for pools offer an alternative method that will not devastate your bank account.

Solar Energy Systems for Pools

When most people think of solar energy systems, they think of the large crystalline structures that are meant to collect a lot of solar energy in order to convert it into solar power. However, there are other uses for solar energy systems. One of the more ingenious uses for this technology is the use of solar energy systems for heating pools. By using solar power to heat your swimming pool, you can be sure that your morning swim will always be nice, comfortable and cheap.
Everyone has to heat their pool unless they are living in a tropical climate where the temperature doesn’t drop at night. Some people choose to purchase a pool cover, but these only work to limit heat loss versus actually heating up the water. Gas heaters work well, but the operating cost of a gas heater can really add up. A low initial cost can draw pool owners to gas heaters, but the charges over the life of the use of the pool can be appalling.

Using solar energy systems for heating pools, however, can solve all of the problems of the above methods. Usually, solar energy systems are installed on the roof of your house, where much sunlight hits. These solar energy systems collect heat, which is transmitted to water stored in hoses behind the solar collectors. This warms the water, which is then circulated through the pool. This method of heating a swimming pool does cost more initially than any other heating system, but the solar collectors and other accessories pay for themselves within a few years. If you plan to live in the home for some time, the cost will be a fraction of any other heating method. If you plan to sell the house in the near future, the solar energy systems will add to the value of the house since they are considered energy savers over time.

The use of solar energy systems for heating pools is a time tested strategy. If you live in an area where lots of homes have pools, you should take a walk around the neighborhood. You will notice lots of homes with pools have solar energy systems. The only downside to this approach is the government does not offer any financial incentives for heating your pool with solar. Given the utility savings, it really doesn’t matter. It is still a no brainer to use solar energy systems for heating pools.

Solar energy systems are a great choice for heating your swimming pool. As well as being the most cost effective heating system, solar energy systems are the most eco-friendly as well. Choosing solar energy for your swimming pool heating means that everyone wins!

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Installing Solar Power In Your Own Home

When looking for ways to improve the efficiency of your energy use, solar energy is the perfect place to start. It reduces energy costs and is environmentally safe. This article can educate you about the basics of solar power and what it can offer you.

When you are just transitioning to solar power, pick something small to start with. A small investment of just a few solar powered garden lights is a great way to get started. These can be found at many retailers including big box retailers and home improvement stores. They are not hard to install, either; simply put them in the dirt and go from there.

Even a small change, such as a solar-powered hot water heater, can help you save money and live greener. Choose a water heating system that fits your needs and your budget. You can have them installed on your roof or in a location with full sun.

You should consider investing in solar panels if you are interested in long-term investments. Installing solar panels requires a substantial investment, so years may pass before the panels generate sufficient savings to cover your cost. Invest in solar conversion only when you are are prepared to stay at your current home.

There are governments throughout the world that apply tax credits when you make the solar energy switch. You may receive tax breaks up to 30 percent of the initial cost of the system. Check the web for the different credits that you qualify for.

There are many different innovations being made with solar energy. It used to be way too pricey for most people, but now many folks can afford it. Regardless of what size solar system you want, it is possible to find a high-quality, affordable one by doing your research and checking your options.

Although the concept of solar-powered cars has not yet been perfected, they would significantly cut down on carbon-based pollutants. That said, there are other machines which are fully solar powered. Generators that run on solar energy can be bought and used during power loss.

What many people fail to understand is that solar energy systems allow you to avoid being hooked to the power grid. You can disconnect and be independent. Also, you will be done with paying power bills during the year.

A solar energy system is a great addition to your house as a homeowner. The reason to wait until you own the home is so that you are not saddled with both a mortgage and the financing of your installation, as you risk losing it all.

Solar energy panels are installed in angles and areas that provide the most sunlight, but as time goes on other things can affect the amount of sun that reaches them. Check to make sure that there are no trees growing and obstructing your panels from receiving sunlight.

Conduct some research into the background of any prospective solar power firm. Your business should go to a company that will be around in the future. In this way, you can be certain your warranty will be honored and you will be able to get parts and maintenance as needed.

Know that solar panels are capable of more than simply giving your home light. They can also be used to warm water and heat your home. As a result, one of these systems can dramatically cut back on You could even end up with the power company paying you!

Seek out great ways to utilize solar energy at home. For instance, many solar energy systems won't have enough energy to heat a home. On the other hand, solar energy is usually sufficient for powering a water heater. Knowing about these differences may help you choose the best for your home.

You will have to pay around five thousand dollars for the solar heating system that you choose. Consider how quickly you will recoup the outlay, and how the savings will continue into the future. When thinking of solar panels for electricity, know that they're able to be installed in small increments.

You should consider switching to solar power if your home receives 5 hours of sun per day and you experience high energy rates. These are the contributing factors to a money-saving solar installation.

Check your solar panels regularly to ensure they stay in good condition. Solar panels should rarely require maintenance; frequent checks will help ensure they have not become damaged and are still working at peak efficiency. Being proactive when it comes to the maintenance of your solar energy system can end up saving you a lot of money in the long run.

Choosing solar energy is a major decision that can reward you greatly. Solar power can save you money every month and help the environment. Whether you are a homeowner or a business owner, know that solar energy is sure to benefit you either way. You should apply the tips you just read and do more research on solar power.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Advantages and Disadvantages of Solar Energy

Solar energy can be used and is used for electricity, central heating, hot water, cooking, for producing salt and even for desalination. Solar energy comes from the sun’s rays. Solar energy is known to be very environmentally friendly. However, when the sun rays enter the earth’s atmosphere it is quite dilute.

Although solar energy is known to be very environmentally friendly it doesn’t only has advantages but also some disadvantages. Let’s discuss some advantages and disadvantages of solar energy.

Let’s start with the main advantage of solar energy. Solar energy is clean. To produce electricity or heat with solar energy you only need the sun rays. There is no need to use fossil fuel in combination with sun rays to produce electricity or heat. You just need a solar energy collector or solar power panels in order to collect solar energy.

Solar energy is cheaper than electric heating. That is another big advantage of solar energy. By just using solar energy you can save a lot of money on heaters. In return you will get lower electric bills and it also means that you don’t have to maintain heaters.

If you live in a remote area where there are no power-lines solar energy can be the solution. There are remote areas where power companies have no means to access your home. Solar energy is a great alternative because it provides you with anything from heating water, electricity, and even cooking.

Another great use of solar energy is for desalination in areas where fresh, drinkable water is scarce. Solar energy evaporates brine and leaves the salt crystals in the bottom of the basin. The water in turn condenses back in another basin where it is now drinkable.

Although all of the above is very useful solar energy also has some disadvantages. These disadvantages also need to be discussed to paint a better overall picture.

The main disadvantage of solar energy is that it’s dilute. This means you have to have a lot of solar collectors installed around your house. Solar energy may be very cheap but the solar collectors are relatively expensive and require regular maintenance in order to work properly and efficiently. If you decide to use solar energy you need to calculate the return on investment in order to know if the investment will be worth it.

One big disadvantage is that you need the sun rays to make use of solar energy. If you are situated in a part of this beautiful planet where there is not much sun light then this could be a problem. In other areas, the sun rays are almost always covered in clouds making solar energy collectors less efficient. You should first know if the sunshine in your area is abundant for the most part of the year. Of course if you live in desert areas like in Arizona or Mexico the sun produces a lot of sunshine for the most part of the year and is ideal for solar energy collecting.

Lastly the sun only shines during the day. Therefore if you need electricity or hot water during the night, like many of us do, it can be a problem. You will need a backup system like the ‘old’ utility grid or you will need to store the electricity for later use. There are battery systems that can store solar energy for later use.

Solar energy is very clean and an alternative to conventional heating and electrical systems. Although this is true it is also good to mention the disadvantages of solar energy. If you are considering using solar energy you must read this first to make a balanced decision….